I'm so excited to be a part of this amazing book's blog tour!! :D
This book's subject is one of those close to my heart and it is such an insightful book!!
I also got the chance to interview the amazing and talented author - RaeBeth McGee-Buda! (I've come to like interviews.. Though I kinda suck at it.. :P Bear with me loves!)
Ebook Cover:
Amber Brown spent her entire existence
believing Dave was her father. When her mother reveals this is untrue, she goes
through an emotional spiral with depression. It's hard for her to believe her
mother had lied to her all this time.
A move to a new home and town causes Amber to be consumed by her
"darkness" and reverts to cutting to free herself from her pain.
When Casey, her new friend enters her life, she introduces Amber to parties,
drugs, and Amber's new boyfriend Landon. The secret of cutting begins to take
affect on Amber as she tries to hide it from her friends and family. In the
mist of everything, Amber has the desire to find out who her biological father
Follow Amber through her trials of depression and cutting, along with the
discovery of love.
Paperback Cover:

Silenced follows the story of Amber Brown. For her life
seems to be going down a downward spiral. She had to leave her town and move
and on top of that she finds out that the person she called her father isn’t
really her biological father. Overcome with depression and looking for a way
out Amber does something that gives her an escape from all the pain and
Silenced is a story that shows how depression affects a
person and that it CAN be overcome. I found that I could connect with the
story. Being a teenager is tougher than it was before. The pressure to do well,
to score good grades, to have a good social life – is daunting. And going
through all that while going through depression is harder. It doesn’t just go
away and the fact that the author captured that in the book was amazing. The
topic which the book is focused around is one of those close to my heart and
it’s not something we should take lightly It gives an insight into the mind of
a cutter... I think people need to read this book and get a perspective on what
actually happens and how depression could ruin someone if it gets too far.
1 - Did you always
want to be an author?
No I didn’t always want to be an author. I loved writing but
it was more for me at first. My younger sister inspired me to continue with a
short story I wrote in high school for an assignment. When I finished the story
she told me I had talent for writing fiction and should really consider writing
more stories.
2 - What inspired you
to write?
As I said in the first question my younger sister started
the inspiration for writing. Now everyday life inspires me.
3 - Why did you
choose to write on this particular subject?
Depression is looked at as a condition that some people
think isn’t serious. Some think cutting is an act of one trying to gain
attention. But these are wrong. Depression and self harm are serious
conditions. I think it’s time to stop hushing the subject and it’s time to
start talking about it. Education on depression and self harm need put out
there. People need to be aware. They need to know the warning signs. This could
potentially save the live of a loved one when the subject isn’t hushed and
people talk openly about it.
4 - What would be the
one suggestion you would give to the people going through depression?
Never give up. You can overcome it and there are people out
there that will listen. People want to help you. You are not alone. It’s not in
your head and if you are starting to have suicidal thoughts... PLEASE talk to
someone you trust.
5 - Is the next book
going to be out soon? ;)
I’m still writing Silenced: The Overtaking. Therefore I’m aiming to have it out within
2013. My goal is to have it in
everyone’s hand in the summer. If I can help it... it will be Spring.
6 - Are there any
other books/series that you are working on?
Yes! I’m writing several different books. One being a
paranormal series. The others I’m just keeping to myself for now. It’s a while
off before the others are ready to be put out there.
7 - What
message would you like to give to our followers and readers?
I appreciate you taking the time to read this interview. I
want to thank you all for your support. You’re the reason I write and I’m doing
what I love. I wouldn’t be able to do it without you. Each and every person who
has supported me and the future support system I will have ... You’re amazing.
Author Bio and Stalker Links!
McGee-Buda was born in southwestern Pennsylvania in 1987, the second daughter
of Rachel Yost and Arthur Curtis McGee. RaeBeth grew up loving to read and
write poetry, as well as short stories. Her childhood dream was to become a
teacher. Rae Beth's dream of writing was created in her eleventh grade
literature class where writing became her passion.
married in August 2012 to her husband, Gregory Stephen Buda Jr. and resides in
a small Pennsylvania town of Fairchance. RaeBeth is a full time mother of one
and is expecting her second.
graduated from American Intercontinental University with her associates in
business administration. She enjoys spending her time writing and feels that connecting
with readers is her main goal.
published Silenced under her maiden name but plans to continue writing under
her married name with any other works.
Website - http://raebethmcgee.weebly.com/index.html
And finally!! The thing you all have been waiting for!! THE GIVEAWAY!!! :D
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Don't forget to enter the giveaway! Leave me some comments, I like reading them :)
Till later! Take care!!