Thursday 26 July 2018

Review for TS901: Dominion by Stacey Rourke and Tish Thawer

TS901: Dominion by Stacey Rourke and Tish Thawer

Risen from their literal hole in the ground, Thia, Lance, and her ‘Maly’ brethren have escaped The Hive and now face a full-on war. Welcoming the distraction from her abysmal love life, Thia throws herself into training the troops and claiming Nary bases.

Grateful to be of service again, Evan focuses on maneuvering their forces while fighting to break the icy bonds of betrayal still clutching Thia’s heart.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

24 in 48 Readathon July 2018!

This past weekend was the 24 in 48 Readathon for July. It was my first Readathon challenge ever and the first #24in48 too.

The Challenge - For the uninitiated (yes, now that I have participated in one of these challenges, I have been initiated)

The premise of 24 in 48 Readathon / Challenge is simple - To Read for 24 hours out of the 48 hours of the weekend. Seems simple enough right?

The challenge appealed to me because -
A. Its endearing to me, the idea of reading together. I've always loved reading together, be it with my Mom - both of us reading our own books sharing the comfort of books and loving company, or with my book babes - one of us reading a book then forcing the rest to read or just picking and reading a book together. The idea of just reading with passionate book lovers from all around the world was something special for me. I mean if you think about it, someone across the globe from me was reading at the same time that I was reading. How could I not love it?
(I'm a ball of mush I know)

B. Its a book reading challenge! I mean how could I, a Third Generation Bookworm, not love it? Its not possible.

The TBR and What I Actually Read

Cover Reveal for The Wrong Family by Tarryn Fisher

Blurb: Have you ever been wrong about someone? Juno was wrong about Winnie Crouch. Before moving in with the Crouch family, Jun...